Due to the ever-increasing growth of the population and the increase in daily visitors, various queue management centers and departments have been created, and providing appointments to people is one of the main concerns of these centers. Automatic queuing and Aristo Star – que management are very useful tools in order to establish order in environments with a large number of clients. Imagine an organization where people flock to the desks of responsive personnel without any queue. Undoubtedly, in such a situation, not only things will not be done correctly, but it will also cause crowding, dissatisfaction, and even conflict. Therefore, the use of automatic queuing and queue systems is a necessity for centers with many clients.
The Difference Between Traditional Queuing and Queue Management System
The traditional appointment system was such that the client went to the desired place when he needed the service and waited for his turn based on the arrival time. The business managers didn’t know how many customers they might have every day, and what services they needed, and the customers had to wait in the business premises for a whole day without having any idea how long their work would take. Later, it became possible to register an appointment by phone, people used to call and register their appointment before visiting, so the business manager was almost aware of the number of clients and their needs. Queue management systems were purposefully and intelligently formed to deal with these problems, over time these systems developed and increased the productivity of businesses.
Increasing Work Speed and Efficiency
With the proper division of work in ranks and the provision of services in shifts, the performance of personnel in providing services is improved and their motivations are also increased.
Establishing Order and Peace
Order, peace of mind, and satisfaction among customers will be established by making accurate appointments and performing service tasks based on assigned priority.
Effective Management System and Practical Reports
Using the reports of the queuing system, accurate statistics of the performance of each personnel and department related to customers will be obtained, which will have important effects on the productivity and progress of service delivery. If you are looking for information about setting up a queue system in your organization, visit aristostar.com.

I graduated from the California Institute of Technology in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in software development. While in school, I earned the 2015 Edmund Gains Award for my exemplary academic performance and leadership skills.